Hyperthermie: bewezen effectief, maar toch relatief weinig gebruikt

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  1. Abe M, Hiraoka M, Takahashi M, et al. Multi-institutional studies on hyperthermia using an 8-MHz radiofrequency capacitive heating device (Thermotron RF-8) in combination with radiation for cancer therapy. Cancer. 1986; 58:1589-95.,Peeken JC, Vaupel P, Combs SE. Integrating Hyperthermia into Modern Radiation Oncology: What Evidence Is Necessary? Front Oncol. 2017; 7:132.,Ikuta K, Urakawa H, Kozawa E, et al. In vivo heat-stimulus-triggered osteogenesis. Int J Hyperthermia. 2015; 31:58-66. ,Harima Y, Nagata K, Harima K, et al. A randomized clinical trial of radiation therapy versus thermoradiotherapy in stage IIIB cervical carcinoma. Int J Hyperthermia. 2001;17:97-105.,Harima Y, Sawada S. Hyperthermia classic commentary: ‘A randomized clinical trial of radiation therapy versus thermoradiotherapy in stage IIIB cervical carcinoma’ by Yoko Harima. Int J Hyperthermia. 2001;17:97-105. Int J Hyperthermia. 2009;25:338-43. ,Harima Y, Ohguri T, Imada H, et al. A multicentre randomised clinical trial of chemoradiotherapy plus hyperthermia versus chemoradiotherapy alone in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer. Int J Hyperthermia. 2016; 32:801-8.,Lutgens LC, Koper PC, Jobsen JJ, et al. Radiation therapy combined with hyperthermia versus cisplatin for locally advanced cervical cancer: Results of the randomized RADCHOC trial. Radiother Oncol. 2016;120:378-82. ,van Leeuwen CM, Oei AL, Chin KWTK, et al. A short time interval between radiotherapy and hyperthermia reduces in-field recurrence and mortality in women with advanced cervical cancer. Radiat Oncol. 2017;12:75.,Linthorst M, Baaijens M, Wiggenraad R, et al. Local control rate after the combination of re-irradiation and hyperthermia for irresectable recurrent breast cancer: Results in 248 patients. Radiother Oncol. 2015;117:217-22. ,Kitamura K, Kuwano H, Watanabe M, et al. Prospective randomized study of hyperthermia combined with chemoradiotherapy for esophageal carcinoma. J Surg Oncol. 1995;60:55-8.,Hulshof MC, Van Haaren PM, Van Lanschot JJ, et al. Preoperative chemoradiation combined with regional hyperthermia for patients with resectable esophageal cancer. Int J Hyperthermia. 2009;25:79-85. ,Huilgol NG, Gupta S, Sridhar CR. Hyperthermia with radiation in the treatment of locally advanced head and neck cancer: a report of randomized trial. J Cancer Res Ther. 2010;6:492-6.,Paulides MM, Verduijn GM, Van Holthe N. Status quo and directions in deep head and neck hyperthermia. Radiat Oncol. 2016;11:21.,Chi MS, Yang KL, Chang YC, et al. Comparing the Effectiveness of Combined External Beam Radiation and Hyperthermia Versus External Beam Radiation Alone in Treating Patients With Painful Bony Metastases: A Phase 3 Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018;100:78-87.

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