Crossing borders in type 2 inflammation 2021

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Treating atopic patients in a multidisciplinary setting

Op 16 november 2021 heeft deze uitzending live plaats gevonden. Uitzending gemist? U kunt de webcast on demand bekijken wanneer het u uitkomt.

Excessive type 2 inflammation has emerged as a unifying feature in certain people living with inflammatory diseases such as asthma, atopic dermatitis and CRSwNP. These type 2 inflammatory diseases may appear disparate based on their distinct organ and tissue manifestations and are treated as such by a wide range of professionals within our healthcare systems. However, this classic fragmentation does not fit with the more recent insights addressing type 2 inflammatory diseases.

Focusing on the underlying pathway driving these diseases, recognized experts will share their knowledge for a better understanding of type 2 inflammation and treatment modalities. Giving rise to a new era of personalized therapy and the added value of a multi-disciplinary approach on how to treat these patients.


  • Prof. dr. Wytske Fokkens, otorhinolaryngologist, epidemiologist, Amsterdam UMC locatie AMC
  • Dr. Els Weersink, pulmonologist, Amsterdam UMC locatie VUmc
  • Prof. dr. Hilde Lapeere, dermatologist, UZ Gent
  • Prof. dr. Bart Lambrecht, pulmonologist, UZ Gent
  • Dr. Edward Knol, biomedical scientist and immunologist, UMC Utrecht, moderator


This webcast is primarily intended for pulmonologists, ENT-physicians, dermatologists, allergists and pediatricians in the Netherlands and Belgium. Other interested healthcare professionals are welcome to join.


The webcast has been accredited (ID: 456661) by:

  • Nederlandse Vereniging van Artsen voor Longziekten en Tuberculose (NVALT), 2 punten, geldig tot 9-3-2024
  • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Allergologie en Klinische Immunologie (NVvAKI), 2 punten, geldig tot 23-2-2024
  • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie (NVDV), 1 punt, geldig tot 6-3-2024
  • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Keel-Neus-Oorheelkunde (NVKNO), 1,5 punt, geldig tot 7-3-2024
  • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde (NVK),2 punten, geldig tot 15-2-2024

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    In the context of GDPR, Springer complies with the laws and regulations as laid down by this law. For this webcast it applies that it concerns a collaboration between Springer and Sanofi and that they each determine their own purpose and means in the processing of personal data. Springer and Sanofi are therefore separately responsible for processing. The privacy conditions that apply can be found here: Springer Healthcare & Sanofi.

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